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Digital Solutions for Science and Technology

Our Expertise: Design of Vaccines

Structure of the spike protein of SARS-2 in space filling respresentation

Shown is the X-ray structure of the spike protein of SARS-Cov-2 as a space fitting model. The protein part is shown in green and the carbohydrates in magenta. At the bottom part, the protein is further extended with peptide segments that are embedded into the membrane of the virus. The top part opens up and makes contact to the human receptor protein ACE2 and triggers infection of human cells. This protein is the main target for antibodies that are designed to prevent infection with the virus.

Design of Vaccines against SARS-Cov-2

The virus SARS-Cov-2 has created a pandemic originating in China in the year 2019 and has spread over the whole world. This pandemic has cost many lives and a large number of people has not yet recovered from the symptoms of the disease. It has also challenged modern day global economic interactions and has severely disrupted international supply chains and has internationally created a huge number of unemployed people. The most promising remedy for this pandemic is the generation of a vaccine that targets this viral infection, does not produce ADE (antibody dependent enhancements), and creates antibodies that exist in the body for extended periods of time.

We have developed a strategy to achieve these goals and we filed in August 2020 for a patent that covers the methodology to design such vaccine.